uploads/wood thrush.jpg

wood thrush 【鳥類】林鶇 (= wood robin)。

wood turning

This small lake was of most value as a neighbor in the intervals of a gentle rain - storm in august , when , both air and water being perfectly still , but the sky overcast , mid - afternoon had all the serenity of evening , and the wood thrush sang around , and was heard from shore to shore 八月里,在輕柔的斜鳳細雨暫停的時候,這小小的湖做我的鄰居,最為珍貴,那時水和空氣都完全平靜了,天空中卻密布著烏云,下午才過了一半卻已具備了一切黃昏的肅穆,而畫眉在四周唱歌,隔岸相聞。